Larger Business Options

Stocktake options for organisations with 501-1000 employees.

Choose which option best suits your business below.

The Rainbow Inclusion Stocktake is a powerful self-evaluation tool to take ‘stock’ of your organisation’s progress in rainbow visibility, support and inclusion.

These Stocktake options are specifically tailored for larger organisations. Please select which option below best suits your needs below.

We look forward to working with you.

Rainbow D&I Stocktake (500-1000) report + consult
$1,725 for 1 Year
This includes:
Your D&I Stocktake Report
A debrief consultation with a senior D&I consultant
An invitation join the Pride Pledge Active community

More on these options

 Our basic stocktake (left) gives you access to invaluable data about where your organisation is currently in your rainbow inclusion and diversity journey. 


Our advanced option, however, (right) includes;

For more information on networking and Pride Pledge ACTIVE, please see below.