Take the Pledge

As a Winter Pride Festival Supporter

Go the extra mile to support the Winter Pride Festival with your Pride Pledge subscription.

Winter Pride is a festival in a small town with a bold heart, and it’s made possible with the support of Pride Pledge subscribers like you. 

There are many amazing benefits to going the extra mile in supporting Winter Pride with your Pride Pledge Subscription. Not only will you be contributing to meaningful community and awareness building in the Southern Lakes region, but also there are many networking, promotional and branding opportunities on offer. 

For more information on what sponsoring Winter Pride could mean for your organisation specifically, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

If you are an enterprise (1000 + employees) or are looking to be a naming sponsor or a sponsor of a specific event, please enquire about pricing and activations.


Winter Pride Supporter (SMALL)
$610 / Year
One Year subscription
For up to 50 employees
General Pride Pledge Supporter Status
Winter Pride Supporter (Medium)
$900 / Year
One Year subscription
For 51-500 employees
General Pride Pledge Supporter Status
Winter Pride Supporter (LARGE)
$1,200 / Year
One Year subscription
For 501-1000 Employees
General Pride Pledge Supporter Status
GOLD Winter Pride Supporter (Small)
$780 / Year
One Year subscription
For up to 50 employees
GOLD Pride Pledge Subscriber Status
GOLD Winter Pride Supporter (MEDIUM)
$1,150 / Year
One Year subscription
For 51-500 Employees
GOLD Pride Pledge Subscriber Status
GOLD Winter Pride Supporter (LARGE)
$1,650 / Year
One Year subscription
For 501 - 1000 Employees
GOLD Pride Pledge Subscriber Status

Winter Pride Supporters

Who else supports Winter Pride with their Pride Pledge subscription? You’d be in good company. Check out our current supporters below. 

What's the difference between Gold & General?

While a General membership gives you access to our services, our Gold Supporters are subscribers who have gone the extra mile to show their support for rainbow inclusion and diversity.

Gold is a way for the businesses to support us more comprehensively – their extra contribution enables us to reach further, continue to develop our services and to do more community outreach with not-for-profit networking, community events and Roll Out The Rainbow. 

Our Gold supporters are also provided with custom digital and physical design work to signify their commitment. Consider supporting us with a Gold membership when you subscribe!