This is a great option if you want to raise rainbow awareness and have up to 100 employees or if scheduling a time for all your employees to attend a live workshop is tricky. The course is hosted on our Pride Pledge website and has twelve video modules, each followed by a short quiz to gauge engagement and learning. Get in touch if this option might suit you best.

Our awareness trainings cover a broad range of useful and topic information including;

If you are part of an organisation and need multiple access accounts, pelase select the option with the number of access licenses which best suites your needs.

Your course access is valid for 1 year.

Please note that setting up of licenses is a manual process and can take up to a week to upload and process. 

As Pride Pledge is a small team, we have times of the year when we are working on other projects. The last week of August and first week of September, and the full month of October 2022 is such a time when we ask for customers to expect significant delays in processing times. If you purchase an online license in October 2022, it will be processed at the beginning of November. Thank you for being patient with this.