Join the whānau! Taking the Pride Pledge takes just two minutes. It’s a great way to show your commitment to rainbow inclusion and diversity, and gives you access to great resources, services and communities.
Your commitment to the celebration of all people in your organisation has many benefits.
When employees feel accepted and able to bring their whole selves to work, their organisations see a huge improvement in engagement, wellbeing, and productivity, as well as employee attraction and retention.
Additionally, organisations who are active and proud in their support for rainbow communities see great improvement in brand reputation, customer engagement, as well as shareholder value.
We commit to all LGBTTQIA+ (rainbow) people having the freedom to be safe, included, healthy and visible and we will use our voice to actively support and celebrate rainbow communities.
Are you a Not-For-Profit?
It’s completely free, or discounted, for not-for-profits to sign on as Pride Pledge members. This arrangement depends on organisation size, situation and level of funding. To discuss a custom subscription rate for your organisation, please get in touch.
NFPs also receive a 15% discount on all Pride Pledge services.